Thursday, 1 October 2009

My Pregnancy thoughts

This posting was inspired by one of my favouite mummy blogs Designmom as the author Gabrielle has announced she is pregnant for the sixth time! Ganrielle has asked readers to write their throughts on pregnancy, so I thought I would write mine.

Summer 2007 pregnant with Harry

I love being pregnant, every bit of it, even the sickness, which I have suffered with terribly carrying both babies, it reminds me of the tiny bub I am growing. Although I will admit having your first one still in nappies while having sickness is very hard and there were a few mid nappy change throw ups, in fact I started changing Harry’s nappy in the bathroom to save on the running distance to the loo! But once that bit is over and you get that 'I don’t need to where make-up' glow everything changes, and it become the best feeling in the world.

I think one of the most memorable points of every woman’s pregnancy is the first time they feel the baby move. When I was pregnant for the first time I was living in Australia and in the evenings would call my mum with endless questions and give her little update on the bump. One thing I would ask her was what it will feel like when the baby starts to move, to which she said it feels like a tiny butterfly fluttering. Then one evening while watching TV snuggled up with Luke on the sofa it happened, it was amazing; I then sat really still for the next few hours just waiting of the baby to move again. As both pregnancies progressed Luke and I would sit together and be able to share the little kicks and movements together, bonding with the baby before we had even met them.

During my first pregnancy I would spend hours at my desk at work daydreaming about my baby and endlessly searching the internet for information; most popular baby names, birth stories, nursery equipment, clothes, you name it I looked at it. Then when I wasn't at work I would daydream looking at the tiny white baby grows I had lovingly placed ready on the lavender scented draw liners, in fact I spent most of my first pregnancy daydreaming. With my second pregnancy I felt guilty that I did not have the time to indulge myself with daydreams as I had a very busy toddler to look after. But I do remember one lunchtime during Harry’s afternoon nap laying on our bed with one of the tiny white baby grows resting on my enormous belly imagining what my baby might look like, would they have thick dark hair like Harry, would they look like me or Luke and most of all would they be a boy or a girl?

I am so lucky to have had two fantastic pregnancies and I defiantly hope for more in the future x

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